Friday, June 19, 2009

I Wonder!

I wonder why this happens to me
That I trust people before I meet them
And then it is easy to see
That it does not happen to all of them
But there are those who have trusted me
In times I was doubting myself
That's certainly something that will be
The source of a higher faith

I wonder why this is happening now
When someone's entrusted me for this life
There's the feeling I know not how
That tells me this is the best part of life
I have now, a different perspective for things
The base of which is "compromise"
And in my mind, this thought now rings
That it's not at all a surprise!

I wonder what will happen in years to come
Some events will bring sorrow
And there will be joy brought by some
But there is something I know
Everything that life has in store for me
Over that I need not ponder
Together through it all, we sure shall be
About this I don't have to wonder!