Friday, October 12, 2007


The dictionary says belief is "confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof". Well, here are a few things that - I am confident - do exist.
I believe in myself, perhaps more than I ever did and this belief grows a little everyday.
I believe in people - people I know, I work with, I am related to - in general, people around me. I believe in their ability and so I can trust them - for almost anything.
I believe in patience and in perseverance which helps me focus on my work/duty and forget about everything else.
I believe in God - and yet I don't believe in it - for I think of it as a concept, not something with a physical form. I think of it as the basis of everything that exists, as something that keeps the world order going. I can't restrict it to any of the man-made shrines.
I believe in Love - for I have experienced it through parents, relatives, friends - and yet I am to experience it through that someone, who will be my soul mate for life.
And finally I believe I am going to meet my soul mate - some day very soon!